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Date: 6/30/2024
Subject: Monday President's Message
From: New Friends

Monday President’s Message

July 1, 2024
Good Day, Friends!
"Sea shores, bonfires, barbecues, s'mores, fireworks" was the message on my granddaughter's bright orange tee-shirt yesterday, and that about sums up July 4th along with parades, sparklers, flags waving and gatherings with friends and family. Happy Fourth to all of you! Have a safe and joyful holiday.
Minga* is in the air! Lunch Bunch 2 will be on the calendar starting in September and will continue on the third Friday of every month following. Co-chairs will be Libby Joyce and Karen Dykes. Lunch Bunch 1 and Lunch Bunch 2 will go to the same restaurant each month, and in this way, expand this popular monthly offering to 40 slots for our membership. For our new members, this is a great way to meet new friends. By members registering for one slot a month, it is hoped that 40 different individual members will be able to attend each and every month. 
Scrabble will be added to the calendar come October 1, and continue on the first Tuesday of every month thereafter. New member Kim Thorpe has caught the minga spirit and will chair this interest group after she recuperates from her July knee surgery. 
Matinee Madams is hoping to see the movie THELMA  on Tuesday, July 9, at the Stonecrest Theater, 7824 Rea Road, Charlotte. In this comedy spotlighting serious issues, 93-year-old Thelma gets duped by a scammer. She sets out on a treacherous quest to reclaim what was taken from her. You may register through the calendar on the website and Matinee Movie Chair Karen Mocker will be in touch when the movie time is established. Questions may be directed to Karen at 434-906-7761 or
*Not sure what "minga" is? Check out the President's Message in the July newsletter or on the homepage of the NFC  website.
Debbie Williams
President, New Friends of Carolina
E-Blasts from Interest group chairs are confined to the Monday President’s Message.  Please send me your information for inclusion in the Monday President’s Message on Saturday the week before your event by 6 pm.  No other E-Blasts will be sent out for individual groups other than those appearing in the President’s Monday Message.    You may send your information to me by text using (716)326-6915 or