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Date: 8/19/2024
Subject: Monday President's Message
From: New Friends

Weekly President’s Message

August 19 , 2024
Good Day Friends,
Communtiy Volunteer Co-Chairs Susan Brandenburg and Lisa Byrne presented the Go Jen Go Foundation to the NFC board this month and it was approved as this year's non-profit organization for which to focus the club's attention, volunteer work and resources. Go Jen Go is dedicated to providing critical financial assistance to families in the Greater Charlotte area who are battling breast cancer. The funds help cover day-to-day needs such as rent, utilities, groceries and transportation costs. Our first activity for Go Jen Go is to help with its Cupcake Walk on October 5th. Seven slots are available on the NFC calendar to volunteer at the Cupcake Wolk's registration table. Please sign up on the NFC website if you are interested in volunteering starting August 21. You may check out the upcoming newsletter and calendar for more information. You may also access the Go Jen Go website to register for further volunteer opportunities to support this event. For further questions, contact Susan Brandenburg at (704)408-0839 / OR Lisa Byrne (860)659-7159 /
Elected board and standing committee members, interest group chairs and new members, please register on the NFC website if you plan to attend the September 12th Welcome Coffee. The NFC board will meet beginning at 9:30 am for the monthly meeting to which interest group chairs may attend if they so desire. If any interest group chair wishes to address the board, please contact me so you may be placed on the agenda. The Welcome Coffee will follow the board meeting at 11:15 am.
Reminders concerning the format of this month's membership luncheon:
- Park across from the hotel and use the elevator to access the 9th floor once inside the hotel
- Gather in the lounge area on the 9th floor where your name tag and 50/50 raffle tickets will be available
- Mingle with friends while sipping on provided coffee, tea and juices. 
- Opening remarks and announcements for the club will be made in lounge area
- Speaker Kendall McGeorge from the Charlotte Museum of History will share some fun facts about Charlotte as well in lounge
- Doors to the Brunch Buffet will open 
- July and August birthdays will be celebrated and 50/50 tickets drawn towards the end of the luncheon
Please do not arrive too early for NFC events. If you happen to get to a destination more than five minutes ahead of schedule, sit in your car and check out your phone until it is reasonable to enter the venue. It will be most appreciated by your hosts who are hard at work preparing for the activity you are about to attend.
 I will be driving to western New York on August 25 and visiting family and friends through September 4. I will be checking daily for your emails and text messages. Should you need to call me, the number is (716)326-6915. 
 Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
Debbie Williams
President, New Friends of Carolina
E-Blasts from Interest group chairs are confined to the Monday President’s Message.  Please send me your information for inclusion in the Monday President’s Message on Saturday the week before your event by 6 pm.  No other E-Blasts will be sent out for individual groups other than those appearing in the President’s Monday Message. You may send your information to me by text using (716)326-6915 or