Weekly President’s Message
December 16, 2024
Good Day Friends,
Last minute Bunco 2 reminders for today - remember to bring your 4 dozen cookies, an appetizer, $10 to play and to cover clubhouse rental fees, plus wear your pajamas!
Book Lovers are reminded that on Wednesday, December 18, is the Holiday Potluck Luncheon at the home of Karen Kovach. The social time will be begin at 10 am. The discussion will follow at 10:30 am with the luncheon to begin around noon. Please bring your potluck dish. Registrants unsure of what they signed up to bring may contact Karen at 704-807-1355 or kensai6313@gmail.com. Book Lovers should also be aware that a computer glitch allowed members to register early for the January meeting. The registrant list has been removed for January and you will receive a cancelation notice for the meeting. You may register on this coming Wednesday, December 18, at 9:00 am or after as per usual for the January meeting.
On registration day this week, don't forget to consider coming to the "In the Know" presentation by internationally known artist Chas Fagan on January 8, at the Southpark Regional Library at 10:00 am. Among his favorite works are his statue of President Reagan in the Rotunda of the US Capitol, a "young Neil Armstrong" statue for Purdue University, his sculpture of Rosa Parks in the Narthex of Washington National Cathedral and a monumental scale bronze sculpture in Dallas titled "Freedom's Charge" featuring two Revolutionary War figures and a billowing battalion flag from Bunker Hill. He also painted the official White House portrait of Barbara Bush and that of Mother Teresa for her canonization at St. Peter's in Rome. A self-taught artist, Chas graduated from Yale University with a degree in Soviet Studies. Don't miss this unique opportunity!
Debbie Williams
President, New Friends of Carolina
E-Blasts from Interest group chairs are confined to the Monday President’s Message. Please send me your information for inclusion in the Monday President’s Message on Saturday the week before your event by 6 pm. No other E-Blasts will be sent out for individual groups other than those appearing in the President’s Monday Message. You may send your information to me by text using (716)326-6915 or
e-mail: clymerny@hotmail.com |